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My entire life I’ve loved giving back. I feel that when you give back, life has a way of thanking you. I’m very blessed for all the moments in my journey. I grew up in very humble beginnings with a single mother, who encouraged me to never give up, to follow my dreams and to believe that the sky is the limit.


I have always been actively involved in many charities throughout my life, as I love helping in any way I can. 
For about 10 years I’ve been helping the UNESCO Foundation for Children in Need, now known as the YOU Foundation for Children in Need. But it wasn’t until I became a mommy that a burning started in my heart. I couldn’t believe that there are places in the world where education is simply not available; it’s just NOT an option.

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Today I personally believe education should be a natural-born right, and I will always fight for this. The YOU Foundation for Children in Need has opened over 500 schools worldwide in places that have no access to education. I am proud to say that in 2015 I opened my very first school with the YOU Foundation in Senegal, Africa.


Today, thanks to this school, the children of the village where our school is located can know that anything they set their heart to accomplish, they can achieve. Their parents can go to work, and therefore the entire family can grow. This simply makes me happy and grateful to God.

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World Water Day

We created wells in Senegal that finally provide fresh, clean water to areas that don't have any and have solar stations to charge the electronic devices and phones for the villagers. Plus, small merchandise kiosks for a group of local entrepreneur women to run.